Saturday, February 1, 2014

"What Japan Thinks"

Just came across this website, What Japan Thinks.
It's--well, I think it's interesting.  The questions they ask in surveys--mostly not things that I'd think of asking myself, but nonetheless I realize I kind of wouldn't mind knowing.  The segment of people who use the otohime (sound princess) at home--why?  Is it for housemates, or the soothing nature of the sound?  

Below are some samples of questions and the breakdown of stats.  I like that the sample sizes are over a thousand; I recall my old professor saying that one needed at least a thousand samples to form a statistic.   I just want to be clear that the following information isn't of my own finding.  I'm just quoting what I saw at this link:  

The website is

I haven't looked into it yet, so I can't speak to its sources of information, or its accuracy, but just in terms of what it ponders, I thought it worth mentioning.  Will post more if I can find out something  about its sources.


Research results

Q1: Which of the following functions does your home toilet have? (Sample size=1,045, multiple answer)

Heated toilet seat 73.3%
Warm water bottom washer 67.2%
Deodoriser function 34.8%
Bidet function 33.1%
Bottom dryer 31.5%
Auto flush 12.8%
Sound Princess 2.6%
Other 0.3%
None of the above 25.1%


Q2: Which of the following functions do you use on your home toilet? (Sample size=1,045, multiple answer)

All Male
Heated toilet seat 62.7% 61.2% 64.2%
Warm water bottom washer 55.2% 56.0% 54.4%
Deodoriser function 26.3% 26.2% 26.4%
Bidet function 19.7% 0.0% 39.5%
Bottom dryer 10.0% 12.0% 7.9%
Auto flush 8.6% 10.1% 7.1%
Sound Princess 1.4% 1.7% 1.1%
Other 0.3% 0.2% 0.4%
None of the above 30.4% 31.5% 29.3%

Q3: Which of the following functions, items do you use in toilets outside your home? (Sample size=1,045, multiple answer)

All Male
Paper towel 41.8% 32.3% 51.3%
Warm water bottom washer 41.4% 53.0% 29.9%
Hand dryer 37.1% 28.7% 45.6%
Toilet seat cover sheet 31.8% 27.2% 36.4%
Toilet seat cleaning liquid 28.3% 23.7% 33.0%
Sound Princess 26.3% 4.2% 48.5%
Deodoriser function 12.9% 15.7% 10.2%
Bidet function 8.2% 0.0% 16.5%
Bottom dryer 7.5% 10.9% 4.0%
Other 0.1% 0.2% 0.0%
None of the above 20.7% 24.1% 17.2%
The following question was for the 59.6% who said they did not use the warm water washer in public toilets.

Q4: Why don’t you use the warm water bottom washing function in public toilets? (Sample size=612, multiple answer)

All Male
Not needed 33.5% 42.3% 27.6%
Bothered that other people have used it 29.6% 13.8% 40.2%
Concerned about the cleanliness 28.3% 16.3% 36.3%
Too much bother 11.6% 12.2% 11.2%
Ecological reasons 2.9% 2.4% 3.3%
Don’t know how to use it 2.3% 2.4% 2.2%
Other 0.7% 0.4% 0.8%
Don’t know what the feature is 2.3% 3.3% 1.6%
There’s not many toilets with that feature 13.2% 20.3% 8.5%

Q3: Which of the following items do you have in your home toilet? (Sample size=1,045, multiple answer)

Toilet cleaning items 66.2%
Toilet paper holder 66.1%
Mat 60.7%
Slippers 57.2%
Deodorant spray, etc 56.5%
Towel 47.6%
Toilet seat cover 44.8%
Rubbish bin 35.0%
Toilet lid cover 31.5%
Calendar 30.8%
Clock 19.1%
Decorative objects 18.2%
Artificial flowers 17.7%
Picture 9.6%
Magazine, manga 5.8%
Photo 5.8%
Live flowers 5.5%
Book 2.9%
Other 1.6%
None of the above 4.9%

Q6: How often do you lock your home toilet door? (Sample size=1,045)

Always 18.9%
Often 14.6%
About half the time 5.9%
Rarely 31.4%
Never 29.1%

Q7: How and how often do you wash your hands after using the toilet in the following situations? (Sample size=1,045)

Always, with soap Always, sometimes with soap Always, never with soap Sometimes Never
All, home, poo 38.1% 20.2% 34.4% 4.2% 3.1%
Male, home, poo
33.7% 21.8% 35.9% 4.8% 3.8%
Female, home, poo
42.5% 18.6% 33.0% 3.6% 2.3%
All, home, pee 19.3% 21.6% 42.2% 10.8% 6.0%
Male, home, pee
16.4% 21.2% 41.9% 12.6% 7.8%
Female, home, pee
22.2% 22.0% 42.5% 9.0% 4.2%
All, outside, poo 42.8% 24.2% 29.5% 1.8% 1.7%
Male, outside, poo
39.0% 25.4% 30.8% 2.9% 1.9%
Female, outside, poo
46.6% 23.0% 28.2% 0.8% 1.5%
All, outside, pee 28.2% 26.8% 37.7% 4.4% 2.9%
Male, outside, pee
22.0% 27.2% 39.8% 7.1% 4.0%
Female, outside, pee
34.5% 26.4% 35.6% 1.7% 1.7%



Q8: Do you stand or sit for a pee at home? (Sample size=523, male)

Usually sit Half and half Usually stand
All 30.4% 16.3% 53.3%
43.7% 17.5% 38.8%
37.7% 17.0% 45.3%
30.2% 14.2% 55.7%
19.6% 19.6% 60.8%
20.8% 13.2% 66.0%

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